Mi Ami, "Watersports"
Quarterstick Records, February 17, 2009
Review: Emily Hiraki

Watersports is my favorite album of the year so far. True, it's not for everyone – you won't find anything like their wild, ethereal sound on Top 200 radio. I feel the only way to describe Mi Ami is as the jungle cousins of Wild Orchid Children that are still fighting to rock after being given a sedative. Their seven long tracks are more like some kind of ambient experiment than any song, with healthy doses of expertly crafted swells of energy. These San Francisco natives are doing something so right with quiet, driving beats straight out of the jungle and disjointed vocal melodies. This is one of those albums that compels you to seek out the band live because you know it will be an adventure/party. And lucky us! Mi Ami is coming to the Vera Project on February 24th.

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