Gobble Gobble has evolved from a turkey creature, into one of elite eagle status. Listening to the newly named group Born Gold is still like riding a high-speed neon carousel on amphetamines while whirs of bright lights pass by. (Throwing it in there right now their genre is called ‘Terror.’)
Born Gold’s Bodysongs TAGS: ALBUM REVIEWS, bodysongs, born gold, gobble gobble, KSUB radio | 0 comments»
Gobble Gobble has evolved from a turkey creature, into one of elite eagle status. Listening to the newly named group Born Gold is still like riding a high-speed neon carousel on amphetamines while whirs of bright lights pass by. (Throwing it in there right now their genre is called ‘Terror.’)
Bodysongs is their latest offering, a collective album of old and new. Held as proof that this eagle still is a turkey creature at heart, it has Gobble^2 classics like “Lawn Knives,” and “Wrinklecarver,” on it. Of course, there is new stuff to be heard as well, “Decimate Everything,” offers that classic fast paced beat with twinkling noises on the side. Raw, jagged and organic. As a whole, the album offers zero moments of dull, or lullaby. Whether that’s a positive or not depends on your attention deficit disorder.
Gobble Gobble fans don’t have anything to be disappointed about. If anything, they’ll have a nostalgic moment, reminiscing over the turkey creature. They are gold now - a highly valued material in today’s economy, they were born that way. (8.5/10)
-Bridget Baker
Tuesday, October 11, 2011 at 4:13 PM
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