TOMTEN Packs the KSUB Lounge!

This week's "Locals Only" guest was Tomten, a quartet described as "baroque pop," citing the Kinks and the Rolling Stones as influences. The group happily joined us in the KSUB Lounge on Friday, eating their fair share of candy corn as well as raiding the KSUB vinyl library for the cheesiest-looking album covers to put up as they played. The KSUB Lounge filled up fast, and soon there was standing-room only. The band absolutely killed it, and gained many a freshman fan that night.

Many thanks to Tomten for playing, and for everyone who made it to the show! It was a huge success! If you haven't attended a "Locals Only" show yet, what are you waiting for?! Every Friday night at 8pm in the KSUB lounge. 

--Julia Paleski
Promotions Director
(All photos property of Julia Paleski)

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